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At church we talked about the parable of the sower, (Mark 4:1-20, Luke 8:1-15), and as we were listening, I thought which seed am I? I’d like to be – and have often thought of myself as the seed that fell on good ground and grew, but a couple of weeks ago I felt like the seed that got choked out by the weeds, because I had let the worries of my life completely overtake me. And I wondered, do we, over our lifetimes, behave like all the seeds at various times?

I suspect we do. But the thing that makes the difference is that we come back to Jesus. Or, more likely, he finds me, not wanting to let me go, like a good shepherd does, and brings me back into the fold. (Matthew 18:12). I could choose to say no thanks! And with a heavy heart, he would let me go. But I choose to come back to him because I know he loves me more than anyone else on earth.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t choose him because I’m good and better than anyone else – far from it. I choose him because he is good and better than anyone, or anything else I could desire. In other words, *I know where my bread is buttered - with the best butter in the world! And I’m not going to give that up.

When we are lost in a world of disturbing images, fearful news reports and uncertain jobs, it is easy to be overwhelmed by fear and depression.

But Jesus will not let us go. He will make himself known to us and remind us that he is there. Even if we can’t see him or feel his presence at that moment in time, he does not give up. He does this mostly through his word. The bible is full of psalms and stories of people who are having the same feelings as us, and who show us how to turn to God for help. But also, he will reach out to us through those around us, especially other believers, who will comfort us with his words and pray for us. He does it through songs, television and books.

In fact, anyway he can he will reach us! His Spirit is always with us and he calls out to Jesus, in the midst of our distress. He does not leave us alone. (John 14:17-19)

So, which ground are you? Where is the good seed going to fall?

I pray that the seed will fall on good ground, watered by his word, fed by his body and glorified by his love.

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.

*an old saying meaning, to know where you're loved