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The saying ‘do what you feel.’ is often said but does it mean we always do what is right even if we feel that it’s right?

I suspect not.

Our feelings are powerful. We use them to guide us through our life and they can be an indication that we need to change direction or attitude or actions.  But they can also deceive us.

We can feel passionately in love with someone who clearly is not good for us.

We can feel guilty about things which are not our fault, but in fact are the weaknesses of others. (as in child abuse).

We can feel that we really need that posh car, big house, etc. to make us happy.

Our feelings can guide us to help that needy person or abandon our children in search of a better life.

In short, our feelings are powerful, but unreliable.

As a Christian, I believe the Holy Spirit uses our feelings to guide us, but we often misinterpret or even ignore them, especially if we don’t like what we are being asked to do. (and I am guilty of both!)

So how can we trust our feelings? Well, we can't really can we? When I realise I am confused or unsure, I give my feelings to Jesus.

I say to Him,  ‘Lord, I don’t know what to do for the best’ or ‘I am in two minds Lord, show me what you want’ or ‘I accept that I don’t know what is best for me Lord, so I trust you to do what is right for me.’

And even if I take the wrong direction, I know he will either use it for my good or move me back onto the path that is right.

Some things are difficult, but build character. We usually only see this after the we have come through it. But whatever we go through, Jesus promises never to leave our side. (John 14:15-17&25-27, Hebrews 13:4-6)

Trust is a big thing with the Lord. He asks us to trust him to love us, but when we don’t understand why bad thing are happen, we become fearful and our instinct is to run away or try to force a change. But sometimes we just need to ‘be still and know that he is God,’ and trust him. (Psalm 46:10)

What ever happens, I know my God loves me, and he loves you too.

I know he is working for my good and I will trust him to bring me through.

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.

Note: Look up the word trust and see how important it is. (I use bible gateway passage look up)