Jesus told us that what we believe in our hearts will happen. (Mark 11:23).
God spoke – it came into being. (Genesis 1: all verses)
Although Satan has been allowed to roam the earth disrupting our lives, we have been given the authority through Jesus to overcome all that Satan throws at us. But first we must believe. (Matthew 8:13, 21:21-23, Mark 11:24)
What we believe makes a difference to what we say. What we believe in our hearts will come out of our mouths and by his will, come into being through Jesus. (Matthew 15:10-11).
Speak goodness, Love, hope, truth, faith, kindness. Speak as Jesus did with patience and understanding.
If you believe - speak up! God hears what you say and knows your heart. (1John 5:14-15).
This is how I understand my God.
Read for yourself, see what you think.