This is another good analogy that I’ve heard or read somewhere.

A nut is a store of goodness that will someday become a fabulous fruitful tree – but not until the shell has been crushed and the kernel softened.

So it is with us.

We so often create a shell around ourselves to protect our feelings, but the shell creates a barrier between us and God, and also between us and those around us who are trying to love us.

We may feel safe in this little shell, but it prevents our growth, and we stay immature.

To grow into a beautiful fruitful tree, we need to let the life-giving water into the kernel of our hearts.

Some people need crushing. It’s not until they are crushed that the life-giving water can get in and soften their hearts.

We all need the water that Jesus talks about to the Samaritan woman in John 4:14.

The water from Jesus breaks through our shells, softens our hearts and refreshes our souls….but only if we want it!

It changes us from small hard nuts into towering trees full of life.

The question is are you nuts? And the next question is do you want to stay nuts or do you want to be freed from the shell of your present existence and expand into an abundant tree? (John 10:10)

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself - See what you think.

A nut is a store of goodness that will someday become a fabulous fruitful tree – but not until the shell has been crushed and the kernel softened.

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