I heard a talk on the dangers of the tongue the other day. I thought it was interesting and little bit scary.

Interesting because it made me think about how I speak about God, and scary because it made me realise that I often talk myself into a corner with negativity.

James 3:  is about taming the tongue. That is, thinking about what you say before you speak – not something I am well known for up to now. However, I will be working on it!

What we say matters. We can speak depression in or miracles out.

James puts it like this.

A horse is a large strong animal, yet we control it by a small bit in the mouth. When we put a little pressure on the bit the horse obeys.

Or, it is like a large ship, it can be blown about by the winds, but we control it with a small rudder. We make a small change in the rudder and the whole ship changes course.

He says our tongue is like these things. It is a small part of the body, yet it makes a big difference to how our lives go. He says the tongue is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body and it can send the body to hell if we are not careful.

Out of the same mouth we praise God and curse our neighbour. Give thanks to God but boast about what we do. Preach love yet speak in anger.

Our mouths let out what our hearts are full of.

We need to fill our hearts with humility, mercy, consideration of others, truth, love, and the peace of the Lord. Then our mouths can speak love, kindness, forgiveness, blessings, sincerity, honesty.

We need to fill our bodies with good fruit so that we can be fruitful.

So easy to say! Much harder to do. I am typing it thinking, “Can I really practice what I preach??”

We surely need our God because we are weak. But in our weakness, he is strong. (2 Corinthians 12:9)  I will give it to God in prayer so that Christ’s power may rest on me and see what happens

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.

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