We all feel crushed sometimes.

This is a theme I’ve been listening to this week and I thought it was worth mentioning.

I don’t think God crushes his creations, It is not his nature, but I think he may allow it sometimes to bring about something that is needed or to bring out his glory.

What do I mean?

I mean that sometimes he allows a situation to progress in order to bring out something that he needs to happen. As with Job and Joseph in the old testament. With Job, God was proving to Satan that Job was a good man full of faith. With Joseph, he needed to bring out the humble, trusting characteristics of his nature. We do not often know the reason for God’s apparent apathy, but he always has a reason.

Now sometimes the only reason problems arise is because we ignore God’s voice and so go on a path which is cluttered with difficulties. Sometimes we take on more than we can do long term, and rather than admit we can’t do it, we keep trying until eventually, we are forced to make a change.

Sometimes it’s because several things happen all at the same time and we feel out of control of our life.

Sometimes it’s our own doing -sometimes its pressure put on us from others.

But sometimes, God leads us down a difficult path because it is the only way to achieve his goal. i.e. John 21:17-19

‘Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.”

Jesus said, “Feed my sheep. 18 Very truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” 19 Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, “Follow me!”’

Jesus was telling Peter it would be a difficult path, but asked him to ‘follow me.’ In other words ‘Trust me.’

Usually we wait until we are at the end of our tether, and even then, we will keep on going because we do not want to let people down or appear weak. But there comes a time we just cannot go an any longer and we have to admit to ourselves that we are struggling.

If we then give our situation to God, he will find a way to not only take you through it, but also bring something good out of it. (Romans 8:28 we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him).

He will use a situation to mould and shape us into someone better than we were before because we are the work of his hands, and his hands are good. (Isaiah 64:8). Whether that is to make us strong enough to deal with the problem, or whether it is to help us be more understanding of those who have cracked under pressure, or something else we cannot see, will remain to be seen.

The thing we must always do is take it to the Lord in prayer. (Matthew 21:22, mark 11:24, Ephesians 6:8, Philipians 4:6, Revelation 8:4)

Ask him for help, wait for him to reveal his intentions, and trust him – always!

I heard a good analogy this week. Someone said, “When grapes get crushed, they produce great wine.” (There is a fab song called new wine, by Hillsong, look it up on you tube).

It’s only in the crushing that the qualities needed can come out.

It is sometimes the same with us, its not until we are crushed that the required personality traits can come out.

But only if we do it with our Lord at the helm.

If we try to do it on our own, we fail because we can’t see what God can see. And if we try and fail, we have a tendency to get jealous of others who do well, then get bitter and depressed, and blame everyone but ourselves. (The devil always uses times like these to knock our confidence and prevent us from ever trying again)

Our heavenly Father will always be there, waiting to help us, like a father allowing his child to go out into the world for the first time. He can see the bigger picture and can see the dangers, yet he will let the child attempt it. If the child asks for help along the way, a good father will guide and encourage his child and help when necessary. But if his child insists on doing it all by him/herself and fails, the good father will still be there to pick his child up, comfort them and help them stand on their own two feet again.

If we ask, God will guide and encourage us and help when necessary. But if we fail, he doesn’t condemn us. He has already forgiven us through Jesus on the cross. He will pick us up, comfort us and bring us out stronger than before.

And if we ask, even in the middle of a difficult situation, he will give us his peace. It is not the peace of man but the peace of God. This is a much better peace than anything from man. (John 14:27, Psalm 29:11, Luke 8:24, Luke 24:36).

The ‘Shalom’ peace that is written in the Hebrew, according to Wikepedia, means; Peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare, tranquillity, and it can be used as both hello and goodbye.

 Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you……….do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”  

So, when you feel crushed by life. Accept the Shalom peace from Jesus. The peace of knowing that whatever happens, you are forgiven, you are redeemed and you are loved!

God has your welfare at heart. Trust in him.

This is how I understand my God.

Look for yourself, see what you think.